Auto Accidents
Teenage Driving Statstics In the Gulf Coast Of Mississippi
The first time your teen gets behind the wheel marks a pivotal moment in life, signaling the first step toward true independence and adulthood. As a parent, you naturally have concerns about teenage driving and safety. If and when your teenage driver gets into an accident, do you know who you can trust to get the compensation you deserve? Battling with the insurance can be frustrating enough, but adding a teenage driver into the mix, makes everything more complicated.
A 2016 IIHS study of high school drivers revealed that distracted driving, especially texting and emailing, is way up. But contrary to what you might expect, teen driving deaths are down overall. So should we be concerned or excited? Let’s check out those IIHS stats and find ways to keep our teen drivers safe behind the wheel.
- Teen driving fatalities are down 64% since 1975.
- 3,092 fatalities, and 416,000 injuries resulted from teenage distracted driving in 2015.
- From 2010 to 2012, 170 teenagers died in motor vehicle crashes on Mississippi roadways.
- Out of those, 107 were not wearing seat belts.
- 1 out of 3 deaths among US teens are the result of a motor vehicle crash.
- Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for teens in the US.
- Car crashes are the number one killer of children 1 to 12 years old in the US.
- Each year, more than 5,000 teens (ages 16-20) are killed in passenger vehicle crashes.
- Teenage drivers and passengers are among those least likely to wear their seat belts.

Before you hand over the car keys to your teenager, know the facts. Auto accidents are the leading cause of death for teens ages 15 to 20. When teen drivers ride with other passengers, their risk of being in a fatal car crash doubles. Overall, teenagers underestimate or are unable to recognize hazardous driving conditions.
No matter what the cause, car accidents are scary and can cause life-changing injuries. Attorney Shantrell Nicks and the Nicks Law Firm legal staff try to make things as simple as possible for you while working hard to get you the compensation you need and deserve. Contact us now for a free consultation.

Do not hesitate to get help from an attorney if you find yourself in the position of coping with what to do next. The Nicks Law Firm offers free initial consultations to all injury victims. Call (228) 896-6425 today!